Scramble by Neo Magic | Magic Review

Scramble by Neo Magic | Magic Review

– Intro / Brief Overview

What’s up everybody and welcome to Magic For Beginners, my name is Keith and in today’s video we’re going to be doing a magic review of Scramble from Vinny Sagoo and Neo Magic.

Scramble by Neo Magic | Magic Review

– What Is The Routine/Trick?

I know you’re probably wondering what the hell in Scramble. Well, we have you covered, this is a self working magic trick which is loosely based around Scrabble and is made up on wooden pieces with numbers on them along with some playing card pips. What essentially happens is that the spectator mixes up the collection of tiles which then leads to them narrowing the tiles down to one remaining option which can then be revealed to the spectator.

You first start by showing the spectators a red velvet bag which holds all of the pieces in and advised that there’s a number of tiles in the bag and they all have a unique combination of numbers and card suits and they’re going to be used to do something magical.

You then let the spectator take control of the magic and shuffle up the tiles and drop them on the table. Once they do this, all of the face down tiles are removed and you’ll eventually end up with one left and once this happens, you can then reveal that you’d know this would happen and reveal the prediction on the back of the bag.

– How Much Does It Cost?

So how much does this cost? This is available on the Neo Magic web site for £19.99 and you can also buy some additional prediction tiles for a discounted price of £4.99 too, so you can have more than one reveal available when performing this trick if needed.

– Quick Performance

With using this magic trick, there’s a bunch of ways that it can be performed and used, but here’s a full performance of this which features a kicker reveal with a deck of cards too.

– What Do You Get With It?

If you buy Scramble, what is it that you get with it? Firstly you get your 17 wooden tiles inside the red velvet back and this is then kept inside a plastic pouch featuring two pieces of card slash paper too. One of them has the Scramble logo on the front and also a bonus routine on the back which features a nice little maths routine with a prediction. The other piece of paper features the instructions and shows the bag and tiles in images too. There’s also a QR code to scan to reach the Neo Magic web site with a demo video to show how the trick can be performed and an explanation video. The explanation video is 2 minutes and 12 seconds long, but as the trick is easy to perform, a minimal video is all that’s needed.

– Is It Easy To Perform and where can you perform it?

As mentioned just now, this trick is very easy to perform as technically you don’t even need to do anything at all to do this trick, other than hand the tiles to the spectator and explain what they need to do and it’s very simple to do and perform. As a result of this, it can be performed pretty much anywhere. Ideally, you’ll need a flat surface for somewhere to throw the tiles, but you can always just use the floor if needed.

– Can You Inspect It?

When it comes to if the spectator can inspect it, there’s a yes and a no. Most of the trick can be inspected but there’s certain parts which cannot be inspected at all. I suppose if Vinny created the reveal as a sort of duplicate to be included with the trick which could then be swapped out for the gimmicks once the reveal has been shown then the trick would be 100% fully inspectable to the spectator.

– Is It Well Made?

Is it well made? Yes it is. I love that the trick comes with its own bag for the reveal as that means you can hold all of your tiles inside the bag to be carried around to help you not lose them or have them damaged. Of course, with them being made of wood, if a spectator is rough then they could potentially snap the wood but I couldn’t see that happening unless some one was intentional with doing that. The markings are done well on the tiles too and are easily readable. 

– Positives

So what positives are there with this? I think the fact that it’s self working and super easy to perform means that anyone can perform it and those who perform magic regularly can concentrate on delivering the experience rather than trying to focus on performing the magic and manoeuvres etc because you don’t need to do any. 

Again, the bag that comes with it holds everything together and it’s of good quality so it’ll last a long time too! And as it’s quite a small size for the overall trick it doesn’t take up much pocket space at all which is fantastic to have on you as a minimal magic set-up or EDC.

– Negatives

Let’s talk about negatives, I can’t really see much with it all to be negative about. Nit picking, you could say as the tiles are wood they might snap or get broken over time, but if you take care of them, they’ll be fine and I suppose you need to make sure that the surface you put these on is dry too, as the tiles will get wet and potentially ruin them, but that’s a dramatic negative I think.

At the price this magic trick is marketed at and how it packs small and plays big and is very easy to perform, I think it’s a bit of a no brainer to buy!

As per usual with Vinny, most of his stuff is super easy to perform and is sometimes self working too like this one which makes it perfect for beginners. I do have some other reviews of Vinny’s tricks on the channel, such as the latest release he has called Spin which you can click the video on the screen to be taken to that video and until next time, see ya!


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