Pop Dog by Rick Green | Magic Review

Pop Dog by Rick Green | Magic Review

– Intro / Brief Overview

What’s up everybody welcome to Magic For Beginners, my name is Keith and in today’s video we’re going to be looking at and reviewing Pop Dog by Rick Green. You can grab this trick from Discount Magic who were kind enough to send this to me for review, so check out the link in the description for where to buy this if you’re interested in getting it. https://www.discountmagic.co.uk/shop/card-magic/pop-dog/

Pop Dog by Rick Green | Magic Review

– What Is The Routine/Trick?

Let’s talk about pop dog and what this actually is. So taken from the text on the product is that you start by showing four playing cards with four different coloured balloon dogs on them and one at a time they turn face down and then you ask the spectator what the colour was of the last face down dog. They give you the answer and then this is where the magic happens. The dog then visually pops out of the card into a small rubber ballon dog and then you turn over the card and there’s an explosion printed onto the card.

– How Much Does It Cost?

Let’s talk about pricing for this trick and it’s for sale on the Discount Magic web site for twenty pounds. The colour of the dog that you get is sent out at random, but if you get one colour dog and want a different colour one to perform with, you can buy the dog separate for a fiver too on the site.

– Quick Performance

Here’s a quick performance to show you how the trick can be performed.

– What Do You Get With It?

What do you get with Pop Dog then? You get four playing cards which are bicycle backed cards and have four different coloured dogs on the cards and there’s also another bicycle backed card which has the explosion on that card too. You get a small rubber balloon dog and it may seem like a big prop to hide, but it’s quite squidgy so can be held in the hand smaller before making it pop from the card and finally you get the little metal holdout device for the dog which is great.

You also get a A4 sheet which has written instructions on there and also a QR code and a link to a video performance and tutorial if you’re a visual learner over a reading learn.

– Is It Easy To Perform and where can you perform it?

Is the trick easy to perform? Yes, it is easy to perform. There’s no particular hard sleights to perform, once you get the handling of the cards sorted then it’s easy to go through the steps to make the selected balloon dog to be face down along the steps. Then the production of the dog is fairly easy too and isn’t too complicated at all and using the hold out for the dog makes getting the dog into your hand much easier. You can perform this at most places too and most angles are decent to use too, but of course audience management is key if you want to perform this to the best of your abilities.

– Can You Inspect It?

Can you inspect this? Before the trick starts, you can’t inspect the cards, but as soon as you’re finished the trick, the spectator can check out the dog, the explosion card and the other four cards because none of them are gimmicked at all, which is fantastic.

Before we head into talking about if the trick is well made, I’d be well made up if you haven’t already subscribed to the channel and enjoy this video that you could subscribe and really make the subscriber number pop out then that would be great.

– Is It Well Made?

Is the trick well made? I’d say so yeah, because the cards are printed on Bicycle stock cards and of course, everyone loves Bicycle playing cards when performing tricks that have gaff cards. The balloon dog and the holder is great too and there’s no complaints there at all.

– Positives

Let’s talk about some positives and this is a fantastic trick for people young and old. As it’s not playing cards, even younger children can understand the trick as it’s a balloon dog and four colours, so as long as the kids know colours then you’re good to go! It doesn’t take up much pocket space either as it’s 5 cards and the dog can be held under your jacket or jeans and doesn’t get in the way.

– Negatives

As with all things, there’s always positives and negative and while this isn’t a negative as such, it’s an observation of things which may happen in the future if this is performed lots of times and for kids with sticky fingers who grab and hold the dog. The material is like those little bouncy balls and of course if it gets sticky and falls on the floor, it’ll pick up hair and dirt but with a quick wash you’ll be good to go. This hasn’t happened to me so I was debating adding this in, but it’s something which may happen in the future and just worth nothing.

Another thing worth nothing is that I have many other magic trick reviews like this one on the channel and if you’re interested in watching more, you can check out a playlist and video in the description or there should be some cards on the screen now to watch more. Hope you enjoyed the review and until next time, see ya!


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