Bluetooth by Sirus Magic | Magic Review

Bluetooth by Sirus Magic | Magic Review

– Intro / Brief Overview

What’s up everybody, welcome to Magic For Beginners, my name is Keith and in today’s episode, we’re going to be doing a magic review of Bluetooth by Sirus Magic and The Premium Magic Store. You may think you have this built into your phone already, but this isn’t that file transfer system you know by that name, this is a utility device to be used with your regular deck of cards to perform effects such as the rising card, haunted deck, an effect where the card shoots out of the deck and so much more.

Bluetooth can also be bought direct from Sirus by contacting him through instagram of Facebook or at

– What Is The Routine/Trick?

So let’s talk about the routine and trick and as stated, this is a utility device which you can use for a number of effects with a regular deck of cards. Some of these effects include the classic rising card, the haunted deck and a bunch of other effects, but the possibilities are endless. The first time I saw this effect at Blackpool the other year, it was the card shooting from a spread and found it amazing! I ended up buying Phoenix instead as I love fire, but then I got this from Sirus at Blackpool this year as I kept seeing it and loved it, so needed to get it. 

From the ad copy for the trick too, it states that there’s no invisible thread, no loops, no magnets and no special decks or weight and can be done without any hook ups or attachments which gives you a complete hands off effect.

– How Much Does It Cost?

So how much does this cost if you want to buy Bluetooth? You can pick this up for about £30 on sites such as Alakazam, Penguin Magic and Magicbox. If you can get to a convention though like Blackpool then I do believe you can pick this up for about the same amount, but Sirus always has discounts on when you buy multiple routines, so it’ll work out cheaper per effect.

– Quick Performance

Before we get into the review further, here’s a quick performance to show how Bluetooth could be used, this is just one effect that you can do with it. This was filmed at Blackpool Magic Convention 2024. 

– What Do You Get With It?

So what do you get with this? You get the packet to hold everything in with the Bluetooth sticker on the front to show you what the trick is. Inside of that packet, you get two of the gimmicks that are already setup and done so you can be ready to perform the effect right away. You can buy this in a blue or red bicycle rider back set, so whichever deck you perform with then I’d get this. You also get a instruction card too which has details for the tutorial and you also get some of the additional things needed for if you break the gimmick or want to use a different deck to what you have bought, then you have this to create the gimmicks. This is also detailed in the tutorial for how to repair or create your own.

Let’s talk about the tutorial. The instruction card comes with a link to the Premium Magic web site tutorial hidden page and once you’re there, there’s a YouTube video embedded so you can watch it on the web site or on YouTube itself. The tutorial is 36 minutes in total and features Sirus talking about the trick for how to perform it, how to repair the gimmick and also some performances using Bluetooth.

– Is It Easy To Perform and where can you perform it?

So where can you perform this and how easy is it to perform too? This trick is something which is easily performed by most magicians and doesn’t require any sort of complicated sleights, so even beginner magicians can pick this up, learn it and perform it with ease. As there’s a few different effects that you can do with this, you can be performing three or four effects one after the other using the gimmick. You can do this surrounded too as there’s not really any angle specific issues with this and if you’re worried about it, with a little audience management you’re good to go.

– Can You Inspect It?

Can you inspect it? You can’t inspect the gimmick as such, but as stated it’ll be there in plain sight and the way that it’s constructed you can’t see anything on the face of the card, unless you look closely but waving it in front of the spectator you won’t be able to see anything. The back of the blue deck version can be shown around more flippant compared to the red version, but you can show most of the back no problem and with a hand positioned in the right place, you can freely show it. Showing the cards as a spread is easily done too and there’s no worries or showing the gimmick or anything so can be easily inspected that way.

– Is It Well Made?

Is it well made? The two gimmicks that you get with it are well made and both are good to go once you take them out of the packet. I took one and had it setup in the deck and it was good to go and I was performing this in no time at all after watching the tutorial of how to perform each effect using the gimmick. I think the gimmick should last a while too, but again of course you get some replacement stuff to help repair your current gimmicks or creating a new one, so should it break then you can fix it.

Before we jump into the positives and negatives of this, I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone that is subscribed to the channel, it means a lot to me. I’ve opened up a members section on YouTube too for those who want to support the channel. You get access to videos before they’re released to the public, behind the scenes things and so much more. Check the description for more details.

– Positives

Let’s talk about the positives of this trick then. One of the positives that you’ll find with this trick, is that even though the trick comes with two gimmicks already made, you get the stuff and the tutorial of how to make one, so if you don’t use Bicycle decks or want to use a horror themed deck at Halloween to perform some scary haunted deck and rising card tricks then you can create your gimmick to match that deck you’re using.

The gimmick can easily be held inside a normal deck or cards too and it’s invisible too and won’t be found by the spectator from the deck and then when you’re ready to use the gimmick, you can have easy access to it and make use of it. Because of the nature of the gimmick too, there’s no reset time, so you can perform the same effect or another effect using the gimmick straight away.

The effects that you can perform with the gimmick are extremely visual too, which is amazing! It means that you can perform some great visual stuff for social media and is always something you can have with you if some one asks to show them a trick you can have something which they’ll remember as there’s not many tricks like having a deck spread out and a card shooting out of the deck without even touching it.

– Negatives

Let’s jump into negatives and it’s not a negative as such, but it’s something which is on the inspection section and it’s that if you go for the red backed version, you’ll have something which will show up on the backs of the cards, but if you go for the blue version then you’ll have this thing hidden much better. If you use red decks, maybe it’s time to switch to blue decks to use this gimmick without the fear of showing anything off, but even as the red backed version you can still show the gimmick if you keep your hand over that bit on the back of the deck. Again not a negative on the effect but more the gimmick sort of, but as you can hide it easily in the deck, that doesn’t make any difference really, but thought it was worth noting.

That’s my review for Bluetooth by Sirus Magic, I have a review of another of his effects on the channel called Phoenix which is a torn and restored card effect using fire which is always a good thing and should be up on the screen or in the description of this video, until next time, see ya!


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